

Serrapeptase is a chemical taken from the silkworm. It is a commonly used drug (Takeda Chemical Industries) in Japan and Europe. In the U.S., serrapeptase is classified as a dietary supplement.

Serrapeptase is used for painful conditions including back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, carpel tunnel syndrome, migraine headache, and tension headache.

It is also used for conditions that involve pain and swelling (inflammation) including sinusitis, laryngitis, sore throat, ear infections, swelling after surgery, swelling of a vein with the formation of a blood clot (thrombophlebitis), and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Some people use serrapeptase for heart disease and “hardening of the arteries” (atherosclerosis).

Women use it for non-cancerous lumpy breasts (fibrocystic breast disease), and nursing mothers use it for breast pain caused by too much milk (breast engorgement).

Other uses include treatment of diabetes, leg ulcers, asthma, and pus accumulation (empyema).


Is a Form Of:

Chemical taken from silkworm

Primary Functions:

Back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis

Also Known As:

Butterfly Enzyme, Enzyme de Ver de Soie, Extrait de Ver de Soie, SER, Serratia peptidase

How Does It Work?

Serrapeptase helps the body break down protein. This might help decrease inflammation and mucous.


  • Facial swelling after surgery to clear the sinuses.
  • Chronic bronchitis. Developing research suggests that serrapeptase can significantly reduce coughing and thin secretions in people with chronic bronchitis after about 4 weeks of treatment.
  • Sinus pain (sinusitis). Early research suggests that people with sinusitis who take serrapeptase have significantly reduced pain, nasal secretions, and nasal obstruction after 3-4 days of treatment.
  • Hoarseness (laryngitis). Early research suggests that serrapeptase can significantly reduce pain, secretions, difficulty swallowing, and fever in people with laryngitis after 3-4 days of treatment.
  • Sore throat (pharyngitis). Early research suggests that serrapeptase can significantly reduce pain, secretions, difficulty swallowing, and fever in people with sore throat after 3-4 days of treatment.
  • Back pain.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome.
  • Diabetes.
  • Leg ulcers.
  • Migraine headache.
  • Tension headache.
  • Asthma.
  • Pus accumulation (empyema).
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Fibrocystic breast disease.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
  • Breast engorgement.
  • Heart disease.
  • Ear infections.

Recommended Dosing

The following doses have been studied in scientific research:


  • For reducing swelling of the inside of the cheek after sinus surgery: 10 mg of serrapeptase 3 times on the day before surgery, once in the evening after surgery, and then 3 times daily for 5 days following surgery.


Serrapeptase Supplements Frequently Asked Questions

What is Serrapeptase used for?

Serrapeptase is an enzyme isolated from bacteria found in silkworms. It has been used for years in Japan and Europe for reducing inflammation and pain due to surgery, trauma, and other inflammatory conditions. Today, serrapeptase is widely available as a dietary supplement and has many purported health benefits.

How long should you take Serrapeptase for?

The usual adult dosage of serrapeptase is 10 mg 3 times daily (range, 15 to 60 mg/day) 2 hours after meals. Serrapeptase has been taken for 1 to 2 weeks as an anti-inflammatory agent and up to 4 weeks as a mucolytic agent.

Does Serrapeptase kill viruses?

Proteolytic enzymes like Serrapeptase can stimulate the body to produce something called tumor necrosis factor (TNF). TNF has been shown to kill cancer cells and stop viruses from reproducing. Serrapeptase has been shown gradually dissolve the plaque that is associated with cardiovascular disease.

When should you not take Serrapeptase?

Serrapeptase is a dead protein dissolving enzyme so it is important not to take it around food or pills because it wastes the serra and causes the pills to dissolve faster. For those reasons I take it twice a day about 3.5 hours after breakfast and 10:30 PM.

Does Serrapeptase have side effects?

Serrapeptase was well tolerated in short-term clinical trials, but long-term safety has not been evaluated. Rare, serious adverse effects reported with serrapeptase include eosinophilic pneumonitis, bullous pemphigoid, hemorrhage in a patient with Behcet disease, and possibly Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Are there any side effects to Serrapeptase?

While serrapeptase has been used for up to four weeks in clinical research, little is known about its long-term safety. Common side effects tend to be mild but may include: Nausea. Stomach ache.

What can you not take with Serrapeptase?

Serrapeptase should not be taken along with blood thinners — such as Warfarin and aspirin — other dietary supplements like garlic, fish oil, and turmeric, which may increase your risk of bleeding or bruising. Summary Several side effects have been observed in people taking serrapeptase.

Is Serrapeptase good for the liver?

It attacks and dissolves the cause of liver cirrhosis. The strongest fibrinolytic enzyme known is serrapeptase, which is what silkworms secrete to dissolve the silk that they produce. Serrapeptase according to the Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes is 5 to 8 times stronger a fibrin eating enzyme than chymotrypsin.

How much Serrapeptase is safe?

Serrapeptase is measured in SU so be sure you get a pure form. I started at 120,000 SU split into 2 doses and now take 450,000 SU in 2 doses. It is considered safe up to 1,000,000 SU daily with no suggested rest from taking it like some other supplements recommend.

Does Serrapeptase really work?

Serrapeptase has been shown to reduce pain — a common symptom of inflammation — by inhibiting pain-inducing compounds. In another study, it was also found to reduce swelling and pain in people following dental surgery — but was less effective than a corticosteroid ( 7 ).

Can Serrapeptase cause lung problems?

Serrapeptase may also cause granulomatous hepatitis (only 1 case reported so far), acute eosinophilic pneumonia (Dohmen et al., 1998;Sasaki et al., 2000). There may also be certain gastric related issues like nausea, anorexia, stomach upset, cough, pneumonitis (Sasaki et al., 2000).

Can Serrapeptase shrink fibroids?

Serrapeptase: This is an enzyme that eats cysts for food. I think it is amazing for inflammatory conditions, and it should shrink your fibroids with continued use. Sold widely online and in health food stores. ... A colored discharge may also occur for a few months as the fibroids slowly dissolve and exit the body.

How long does it take to see results from Serrapeptase?

It will take about 3 weeks to get rid of the discomfort and a further 3-6 weeks to ensure they are completely clear.

Can you take Serrapeptase long term?

While serrapeptase has been used for up to four weeks in clinical research, little is known about its long-term safety. Common side effects tend to be mild but may include: Nausea. Stomach ache.

Does Serrapeptase remove scar tissue?

Research shows serrapeptase possesses significant anti-inflammatory, proteolytic (protein dissolving) and fibrinolytic (fibrin dissolving) properties. It reduces scar tissue, improves tissue healing and supports a healthy respiratory system.

Does Serrapeptase lower blood pressure?

Serrapeptase is a blood cleaner so it may help reduce BP slightly but it is not a blood thinner.

Does Serrapeptase help with cysts?

Even nicer, serrapeptase has been found to be effective at dissolving only non-living fibrin (scar tissue)! It even crosses the blood brain barrier! Studies have confirmed that this enzyme also dissolves fibrin and fibrin coatings in cysts! Clinical reports from doctors show it dissolves branched fibrin.

Does Serrapeptase help with digestion?

Serrapeptase has been widely used in Europe and Asia for nearly 30 years. It's recognized for its ability to digest only certain proteins, providing our body with many important health benefits. Serrapeptase supports immune, cardiovascular, and digestive system health and promotes joint health.

Can Serrapeptase cause stomach pain?

Serrapeptase – also known as Serratio Peptidase – is a proteolytic enzyme. In other words, it digests protein. Including those in the food that you eat! That means that, as a side effect, there's a small chance of stomach upset or nausea if they're taken with meals.

Is Serrapeptase a Nsaid?

The most common drugs to combat acute inflammation are Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) alone and or in combination with other drugs. Serratiopeptidase is a leading enzyme which has a very long history in medical as an effective anti-inflammatory drug.

Does Serrapeptase cross the blood brain barrier?

No matter the cause or the location (it even crosses the blood brain barrier), Serrapeptase gets to work stopping the inflammation. If that is not enough, it has the ability to dissolve any dead or non-living tissue that may be gumming up the works, particularly mucus and inflammation associated with pain.”

Does Serrapeptase unblock fallopian tubes?

“Serrapeptase helps the body break down protein. If a woman has blocked fallopian tubes, serrapeptase will fix them. If you have clogged coronary arteries, serrapeptase will unclog them. This is just fantastic.

Clinical Studies