Collagen Type II


Native collagen type II is a protein that is part of cartilage, bone, and other tissues in animals and humans. Most collagen type II in supplements comes from chicken. Some collagen type II comes from cows.

Collagen type II is used for osteoarthritis. It is also used for other types of joint and muscle pain, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these other uses.


Is a Form of:


Primary Functions:


Also Known As:

Chicken Collagen Type II, Chicken Type II Collagen, Colágeno de Pollo

How Does It Work?

Collagen type II is said to work by causing the body to produce substances that fight pain and swelling. But this is unproven.


  • Taking collagen type II by mouth for up to 6 months seems to improve self-reported symptoms of osteoarthritis such as stiffness and pain. It might work better than taking a combination of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Most research has investigated a specific product called UC-II. But there's no evidence that collagen type II can prevent joint space narrowing in people with osteoarthritis.

Recommended Dosing

The appropriate dose of collagen type II depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for collagen type II. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

Collagen Type II (Native) Supplements Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best type 2 collagen?

Best Pill: Reserveage

BioCell Collagen® is a patented hydrolyzed chicken sternal cartilage extract that contains a naturally-occurring matrix of hydrolyzed collagen type II, as well as chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronic acid, both naturally occurring substances in the body that promote healthy tissues.

How much type 2 collagen should I take?

UC-II should be taken in very small doses – usually 20–40 mg per day. Gelatin and hydrolyzed collagen should be taken in higher doses – 10 gm per day.

What is type II collagen made from?

Native type II collagen is a nutraceutical ingredient derived from chicken sternum cartilage. Orally taken native type II collagen antigens interact with Peyer's patches in the gut associated lymphoid tissue, resulting in turning off the T-cell attack to the structural protein collagen type 2 in the cartilage.

Does type 2 collagen help joints?

Type II collagen is one of the main proteins in cartilage. It's been suggested that taking collagen hydrolysate can improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis by stimulating your body's production of joint collagen.

Does collagen make you gain weight?

Adding collagen protein into your daily diet can help support your bones and joints. In a 24-week study, researchers observed the effect of collagen hydrolysate supplementation on exercise-related joint pain on 97 human athletes. So collagen can help you lose weight, but it won't do all of the work for you.

What is the best time to take collagen?

Some swear by taking collagen in the morning while your stomach is empty to maximize absorption. Others swear by taking it at night so your body has ample time to process the collagen while you sleep.

Is taking collagen bad for kidneys?

Well, based on all the literary evidence, the short and simple answer is NO! To put it straight, there is no evidence that taking even extremely high daily doses of Collagen over long periods of time will have any negative impact on healthy kidneys.

How long does it take for type 2 collagen to work?

Taking collagen type II by mouth for up to 6 months seems to improve self-reported symptoms of osteoarthritis such as stiffness and pain. It might work better than taking a combination of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Most research has investigated a specific product called UC-II.

What are the side effects of taking collagen?

Possible Side Effects

There are some reports that collagen supplements may cause mild digestive symptoms or a bad taste in the mouth. Also, those with a fish, shellfish, or egg allergy should avoid collagen supplements as many of them are made from these ingredients.

What foods have type 2 collagen?

Food sources of collagen include the following:

  • Egg whites.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Red and yellow vegetables.
  • White tea.

Is collagen better than glucosamine?

A patented collagen ingredient may be twice as effective as glucosamine and chondroitin for joint health, according to results of randomized, double-blind study. The ingredient is often used in combination with chondroitin sulphate, extracted from animal cartilage, such as sharks.

What is the difference between Type 1 2 and 3 collagen?

Type II Collagen makes up the fluids and function of the cartilage and joints. Type II Collagen makes up 10% of the total collagen in the body and 50-60% of the protein found specifically in our cartilage. Type III Collagen - Found with Type I in Porcine (pig) Collagen and Bovine (cattle) Collagen if from bovine hide.

What is collagen type 2 GOOD?

It is the main component of cartilage in the body. It consists of dry weight and collagens. Type II collagen is what gives cartilage its tensile strength and elasticity, thereby enabling it to support the joints. It helps in the binding process with the help of fibronectin and other collagens.

Is collagen bad for gout?

(Yep, that's why it's called uric acid). Take vitamin C: To reduce uric acid levels, make sure your diet includes enough vitamin C, or try adding a supplement. Supplement with collagen: Consuming collagen protein can help metabolize purines, as it contains glycine.

Can collagen make breasts bigger?

By stimulating the swelling of collagen and fatty tissue, practitioners claim you can increase breasts up to one cup size. The technique causes no scars and can last anything from six months to forever. However, unlike with implants, you can't predict the exact size to which your breasts will "bloom".

Does collagen help with belly fat?

Unlike many other supplements on the market, collagen has actually been proven to help with weight loss and reducing body fat! Collagen is a structural protein that influences multiple systems in our bodies including our skin, hair, gastrointestinal tract, joints bones and muscular tissue.

How long do you have to take collagen to see results?

According to feedback from our customers, along with scientific research on daily collagen intake, changes can be seen and felt from around 4-6 weeks and onwards. So don't stop your collagen supplement if you aren't seeing results immediately.

Is it better to take collagen at night or morning?

Some recommend consuming collagen on an empty stomach before your stomach acid has the chance to break down the collagen peptides. Others believe it's best to take to take collagen right before going to bed since your body replenishes your skin as you sleep. The truth is: collagen can be taken at any time of the day.

Should I take collagen everyday?

If you want to try taking a collagen supplement for its potential pain-relieving effects, studies suggest you should start with a daily dosage of 8–12 grams.

Should you take collagen in the morning or night?

Some swear by taking collagen in the morning while your stomach is empty to maximize absorption. Others swear by taking it at night so your body has ample time to process the collagen while you sleep.

Does collagen make you pee a lot?

Collagen is a natural protein that forms connective tissues in the body. The Japanese scientists acknowledge many patients had some minor complications after the collagen procedure, such as problems with urination or too-frequent urination.

Clinical Studies